‘The Furniture Record:’ A Blog worth Bookmarking &#8211

‘The Furniture Record:’ A Blog worth Bookmarking &#8211

A saltbox that Mark Firley recently featured on his blog. Like having enough fiber in your diet, woodworkers (me included) can benefit from regular exposure to lots and lots of antique furniture. Looking at overall forms (nice and awkward) and construction details (typical and far out) will help train your eye when it comes to…

Interview with Andrew Detloff at Ravinheart Renditions &#8211

Interview with Andrew Detloff at Ravinheart Renditions &#8211

Andrew Detloff has just posted a 30-minute chat session we recorded last night. We discussed why Don Williams’ Roubo translation is so important, the machinery in my workshop and (no surprise) workbenches. You can listen to the podcast here. Detloff interviews a lot of woodworkers. Check out his blog’s main page for chats with planemaker…