Calling all Woodworking History Nerds &#8211

Calling all Woodworking History Nerds &#8211

Joshua Klein and Thomas Lie-Nielsen examine Jonathan Fisher’s turning tools. During Joshua Klein’s research into the woodworking life of Jonathan Fisher of Maine, Joshua has found several tantalizing entries in Fisher’s journal about mechanical marvels he has invented or made for his workshop. But perhaps most interesting is when Fisher hooks up his lathe to…

‘GreenWood Wrights’Fest’ – Apr. 22-24, Pittsboro, N.C. &#8211

‘GreenWood Wrights’Fest’ – Apr. 22-24, Pittsboro, N.C. &#8211

Register now for GreenWood Wrights’Fest in Pittsboro, N.C., April 22-24, 2022 – a weekend of green woodworking fun, camping and family friendly entertainment. Revel in greenwood camaraderie as you learn traditional hand-tool skills, carving spoons and bowls, timber framing, basket making, steam bending, post-and-rung stool making and much more. Roy Underhill and other talented green…