About the New Lost Art Press Web Site &#8211

OFFICIAL_LAP_-LogoBy now, most people in the world should be viewing the Lost Art Press web site we launched this afternoon. As with every new web site, there are plusses and minuses (mostly plusses, we hope). Here are some changes you should be aware of.

1. We now take American Express and Discover Card.

2. We now offer a discounted price when you purchase both a hardbound book and the pdf of that book.

3. We have switched over entirely to pdfs for all our digital books. Sorry, ePub and mobi, you aren’t suited for books that are graphics-heavy. All pdfs will be served directly by our new store (no more two-step download processes). If you ever have problems with a pdf, ePub or mobi file you purchased in the past, just e-mail us and we’ll help.

4. No more Captcha code crap-ola to contact us. You can get to us directly here. This means more spam for John and me, but I grew up eating spam (actually Underwood deviled ham).

5. You won’t have to create an account to buy something. However, if you do want an account to make future checkouts easier, you will need to create a new one in our new store. Sorry about that.

There are lots more little changes, but those are the highlights. The biggest change is one you won’t see for a while. This new store will allow us to have your orders filled by a local fulfillment house, which will be faster. And, if all goes well, the new store will pave the way for us to offer international shipping. (Though I promise you that buying our books from our international sellers will always cost less than getting it from us.)

Huge thanks to Ben Lowery, who helped us realize our vision – both graphical and functional. If you need some spot-on web site work from a guy who is also a woodworker, we cannot recommend anyone more highly.

— Christopher Schwarz

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