Back in Stock: ‘The Solution at Hand’ and ‘With the Grain’ &#8211

Back in Stock: ‘The Solution at Hand’ and ‘With the Grain’ &#8211

Quick note: We have replenished our inventory of Robert Wearing’s “The Solution at Hand” and Christian Becksvoort’s “With the Grain.” Both are now available in our online store and will soon be available again through our retailers. “The Solution at Hand” hand was our sleeper hit of 2019. We love Wearing’s writing, but we weren’t…

New Core77 Column on Designing the Crucible Scraper &#8211

New Core77 Column on Designing the Crucible Scraper &#8211

My January column at Core77 is available to read for free and covers the design process we went through to develop the Crucible curved card scraper. It’s a simple tool, but it’s remarkable how much work goes into something before you make several thousand of them. This article covers everything from the historical research to…