Quick Update: Vests, Coats & Books &#8211


We hate being out of stock on items. Years ago one of retailers told us it was a good thing to have some items on backorder to drive up customer demand.

Screw that.

We have a few items that are not in stock right now. Here is an update. Our vests and chore coats are now being stitched at Sew Valley. We had to order more moleskin from England (it just arrived) and stitching work on the coats is proceeding now. I don’t have a date when the vests will be ready, but the coats should be back in stock next week.

sah_cover_mockupWe also are out of “The Solution at Hand.” It was supposed to ship to us this week, but the printer lost the diestamp for the cover and now we have to make a new one. So the books should ship out from the warehouse the week of Jan. 16.

We also are waiting for the expanded edition of “The Anarchist’s Design Book,” which should ship later this month. (So there is still some time to order a pre-publication copy of that book and receive a free pdf download of the book. Once the book is in stock, the pdf will cost you extra.)

All of our Crucible Tools are in stock – whew. That was my biggest personal accomplishment of 2019.

JaCM_blue_cover_IMG_3315And finally, we have a book in stock that I thought we were sold out of. We have 47 copies of the historical reprint of “The Joiner and Cabinet Maker” – a cute and nice $12 book. I miscounted how many we had left last month and removed the product from the store. Our warehouse pointed out my mistake (thanks, guys).

— Christopher Schwarz 

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