Um, Yes, Me on Shop Talk Live &#8211


You can hear my voice and see my rolling eyes on today’s Shop Talk Live podcast from Fine Woodworking via this link. The podcast is a 37-minute interview with FWW’s Ben Strano about a variety of topics. Here’s a partially complete list:

  1. Ben’s high school nickname
  2. Me getting bleeped for the first time ever
  3. Why we teach classes at the Lost Art Press storefront
  4. My fears re: FineWoodworkingLive
  5. About my dumb chairs
  6. How I tried to get Matt Bickford and Peter Follansbee drunk to launch a publishing empire
  7. The one weird trick to destroy “social media depression disorder”
  8. Taco talk (actually, they edited this out)
  9. New scrapers from Crucible Tool

Ben’s a great guy and did a good job of making me say silly things. And if you want to hear me say even sillier things, sign up for Fine Woodworking Live. If not for my presentation, then for the talks from the legit presenters. It should be a great weekend.

— Christopher Schwarz

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