Read My New Column at Core77 &#8211


Starting today, I am writing a monthly column for Core77, a site that specializes in covering the world of design with a broad perspective.

If you’re looking for woodworking advice, you won’t find it in my column. Instead, I took this assignment because I get to write about design, building stuff, running a business and (yes!) anarchism from a broader point of view than here on this blog.

My first column, The (Mostly Forgotten) Power of Vernacular Design, has some woodworking elements – holdfasts and chairs – but it uses those physical things to explain how I explore early user-made objects. And what we can learn from them.


The column will appear every month. My April column will discuss pricing. Not “how to price your work.” But instead, when to publish your prices and when not to (and the “why” behind each philosophy). I’ve been on both sides of that fence.

Future columns will delve into radical stuff. First, however, I have to convince the readers of Core77 that I’m not a total nut basket.

— Christopher Schwarz

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