Shipping is Now Included in All Our Prices &#8211

OFFICIAL_LAP_-LogoTo make things simpler for customers (and ourselves), we have built in the shipping costs to our prices for all domestic orders. That means when something costs $25 in the store, that is the total price you will pay for it to be delivered via FedEx SmartPost anywhere in the United States.

To make this work, we’ve had to change some prices on our products. Some went up by a couple dollars, some stayed the same and some went up $5 to $7.

This is a change that John and I have wanted to make for a long time, but it always seemed like it would really pinch for a few years as we changed the way we priced our books. In 2015 we decided it was the right thing to do to make things simple – both for you and for us.

As Lost Art Press has grown, our shipping options have become more complex. John was spending a lot of time trying to manage our shipping algorithms to account for temporary fuel surcharges, delivery zones and other assorted crap.

By building the shipping cost into a book, shirt or DVD, it frees up a lot of time for both of us to work on what matters. Also, it makes ordering simpler for you. The price you see is the price you pay. Period.

This new policy applies to all products – books, DVDs, apparel and posters – shipped domestically. For apparel that we ship overseas, we still have to charge shipping. There was no way around that.

About Pre-publication Orders
Those of you who are long-time customers are probably wondering: What will this do to pre-publication orders? Since 2008 we have offered free shipping for the first 30 days on new products.

As of now our plan is to offer a free pdf download of the book with every order during the first 30 days. If you look at the cost of shipping vs. the cost of the pdf, I think you’ll agree that is more than fair.

We hope you like these changes and it makes ordering simpler.
— Christopher Schwarz

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