Crucible Update: Lump Hammers & Burnishers (?!?) &#8211


As promised, everyone at the storefront has thrown themselves into lump hammer production. We’ve just delivered the biggest batch of lump hammers to our warehouse. They will be entered into inventory and will go on sale later this week.

We’ve had a few customers complain that we don’t give enough advance notice of when tools will go on sale. To help reduce the emotional emails that John and Meghan answer, we’re going to put these hammers up for sale on Friday. I don’t know what time yet, however. Watch this blog for the time.

If you have been waiting to buy a hammer, we hope that Friday is your day.

Also, this week we’re going to start selling Arno burnishers. These are our favorite burnishers (we’ll explain why in a bit). And we will sell them for less than EDIT: for the same price Amazon does. So stay tuned.

Finally, we still have stock on Crucible Card Scrapers. That’s because everyone in our supply chain bent over backward to help us out. Thank you.

— Christopher Schwarz

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