Lost Art Press Open Day, Tool Sale & Book-release Party &#8211


If you plan to come to one of our open days, might I recommend May 12?

On that day we will have a surplus tool sale where Megan, Brendan and I are going to dispose of all the extra woodworking stuff we have accumulated. We’ll post photos of the stuff in the next week or so, but I’ve dug up some woodworking vises, two (?) hand-cranked drill presses, a miter box and a bunch of other small stuff. Brendan and Megan also have heaps of stuff.

All tool sales will be cash only.

Second: We hear tell that Jameel and Father John Abraham from Benchcrafted will visit the store that day. You know what that means – breakdancing and oud solos. And talk of workbenches. Lots of talk about workbenches.

We’ll have two Roman workbenches on hand from “Ingenious Mechanicks: Early Workbenches & Workholding” for you to use. And that’s because we are going to hold a free book-release party for “Ingenious Mechanicks” that same evening, and you are invited.

The party – 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. – will feature special guest and researcher Suzanne “Saucy Indexer” Ellison, who performed a lot of heavy research for the book. Suzanne and I will sign books and then give an illustrated lecture on the history of workbenches as shown through religious and secular painting.

Suzanne is also cooking up some special gifts for attendees.

We are limited to 60 spots. The event is free but you need to register here. We will also provide snacks, beer, wine and soda.

We hope you can attend! The storefront is located at 837 Willard St. in Covington, KY 41011. The store will be open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The party will be 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.

— Christopher Schwarz

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