Are Posters Cursed? More Chair Family Tree Posters Available &#8211

The poster in black ink.

I don’t know how, but somehow we’re going to lose money on this poster. It’s just my fate.

So after selling out of our first run of “The Family Tree of Chairs” letterpress poster, we said we might do a second run in green ink if we had enough interest. Y’all spoke up, so we placed an order for 200 posters in green.

There was some miscommunication at the press, and they used black ink and shipped those 200 to us. I refuse to pulp these gorgeous posters because they are the wrong ink, so starting today we are selling them in our store. They are $33, individually numbered by Megan and are ready to be shipped from our warehouse in Indiana. You can place an order here.

The green ink poster, which will be for sale next week.

The printer insisted on doing the job correctly (thanks Boxcar!), and so next week will also have this poster in green ink. It will be the same price. And also numbered by Megan. So if you want a green one, just sit on your hands for a few days.

In other news, we asked our retailers if they wanted to carry the poster. Classic Hand Tools in the UK said yes! It will take some time to get them shipped across the Atlantic, so stay tuned if you are overseas.

— Christopher “Never Doing Another Poster Again” Schwarz

A detail of the green ink. So as for you to see how green it is.

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