8 p.m. EST on Nov. 6 is the Open House on our Forum &#8211


We think we have licked most of the basic technical glitches for the Lost Art Press forum. We have high hopes that this will be a good way for us to interact with readers and help you get answers to your questions about our books and the techniques in them.

So John and I would like to invite you to stop by an “open house” on our forum from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. EST on Friday, Nov. 6. During those two hours, John and I will be online to answer any questions you have about our upcoming titles, woodworking techniques, tools, beer or cuddling (FYI, we’re not cuddlers).

To ask questions in the forum, you’ll need to have an account in our store. If you have purchased anything from us in the last two years, you probably have an account. If you don’t have an account, you can create one here.

You don’t need an account to read the forum. Some of you are already using the forum and have found it’s a good way to exchange information with other readers who are not wankers.

We’ll see you Friday, Nov. 6.

— Christopher Schwarz

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