December Newsletter: Time-limited keys just got even better + ’s TV debut! – Life Unlocked

Hi there,

Well, so much for winding down before Christmas. Recently the Klevio team have been buzzing around like small buzzy things, flitting from one event to the next and just about remembering to brush our teeth in the morning.

But you won’t hear us complaining, as it’s given us ample opportunity to showcase our product in front of enthusiastic, tech-savvy audiences, as well as hear from some of the brightest minds in the fields of PropTech and start-ups in general.

More on that shortly. But first, an update that’s been a long time coming…


About Time

Several months ago, we started to hear from customers keen to know if we could make our time-limited keys settable by the hour, as well as by the day. And we’re pleased to say they now can be – not just by the hour in fact, but by the minute too. This extends the benefits of sharing keys, especially for situations when you’re giving them out to multiple people (such as Airbnb guests) and want to avoid everyone having access to your property at the same time.

Anyway, we’re sorry it’s taken a while, but as our developers reliably inform us, these things can be awfully fiddly. In any case, we hope it’s been worth the wait. And if any of this is confusing to you, check out our blog post about time-limited keys here.

Klevio hit the small screen!

When you’re a humble start-up, publicity is like gold-dust, so we were very excited to be asked to appear on London Live TV, as part of their ‘Making it Big in London’ programme. Klevio’s co-founders, as well as some of of our customers, all featured in the show, which puts London’s game-changing companies, entrepreneurs and innovators in the spotlight. Klevio’s small screen debut was broadcast on 29 October, but you can you watch it by clicking here.



At Klevio we like to keep our ear to the ground, so when October threw up a whole flurry of tech-themed events in London, we didn’t think twice about attending. First up was the ARMA conference, where we heard some great talks related to property management, as well as showcasing our live demo door to visitors.

Then there was TechDay the UK’s largest event dedicated to tech startups, where we also hosted a live demo door. You can see our photo reel from the event here.

Finally, in the middle of November we partnered with Vivahouse for their launch event at Whiteley’s Shopping Centre in Bayswater. Vivahouse is a prefabricated modular housing system designed to turn vacant commercial properties into co-living spaces – and we were on hand to demonstrate how you could unlock these spaces using Klevio.


And breath!

If you’d like to know more about any of the above, there are other blog posts that you might want to check out on our blog. Or feel free to get in touch through the usual routes (

Until next time…

The Klevio Team

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