The Story (so far…) – Life Unlocked

At Klevio, we’re keen to be as transparent as possible about the people behind our product, because it is their vision, passion and creativity that imbues everything we do. As we prepare for our commercial launch, we thought we’d take the opportunity to give you a potted history of the story so far…

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Founded by three experienced business leaders and serial entrepreneurs, the team behind Klevio have been at the forefront of the smart-home technology revolution for several years. The company is the result of a merging of two products — Sherlock (a keyless entry system which lets you open your doors with your phone) and CubeSensors (a connected device that monitors rooms).

As a co-founder of luxury home rentals service onefinestay, Demetrios Zoppos helped develop Sherlock as a way of streamlining the daily management of thousands of properties (and therefore keys) around the world. Meanwhile around the same time Aleš Špetič and Marko Mrdjenović were busy co-founding CubeSensors in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Then in 2016, Demetrios, with his knowledge of the home access market, and Aleš and Marko, with their expertise in hardware development, joined forces to form Klevio with the aim of taking home access to the next level of innovation.

And that’s the story so far. But really, it’s just the beginning…

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