We Won’t Run Out of Stickers – Promise &#8211

My daughter Maddy is fulfilling your sticker orders every day after classes, and she reports we still have plenty on hand.

While several customers have been worried she would run out, she won’t. When her stock gets low we’ll order a new batch of stickers. So if you send in your $5, you will get stickers.

Also, Maddy is enjoying all the notes that woodworkers have been sending, including photos of their dogs and their own company’s stickers. She’s started displaying them on a wall in her bedroom.

If you’d like a set of Lost Art Press stickers, send an SASE and a $5 bill to:

Stick it to the Man
P.O. Box 3284
Columbus, OH 43210

Maddy will take your SASE and put three high-quality vinyl stickers – one of each design – in your envelope and mail it to you immediately. (If you send $10, she’ll send two sets; $15 will get you three sets). These are the nicest die-cut stickers we could find and should even be suitable for outdoor use, according to the manufacturer. The stickers are made in the United States, of course.

One note: Maddy’s sticker business will be closed from Dec. 18 until the end of the year for her Christmas break. Orders received during that time will be fulfilled as soon as she gets back to campus.

— Christopher Schwarz

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