Another Tool on the Wall &#8211

Our wall of tools and patterns.

While my personal tools stay in my tool chest, we keep the communal ones hanging on the wall behind my bench for students or visiting instructors to use without guilt or asking.

Our “tool wall” is made up of three panels of cherry that cover three bookcases. For most of the year, our shop looks like the photo above. But when we open the shop to the public, we remove the tool walls to reveal our selection of books behind.

It’s a little awkward, but the books are protected from dust, and our workshop doesn’t look like a bookstore.

Several internet readers have asked us about the tools on the wall. Some of them look non-standard or odd. So we shot this short video that goes over the tools on the left side of the wall (the video was shot and edited by our intern, Harper Haynes). We’ll do videos on the other two panels shortly.

— Christopher Schwarz

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