Tour of our Library (and the New Bathroom) &#8211

Peter Follansbee once joked that I’ll buy any book that is titled “The Furniture of (Blah Blah Blah)” – in which “blah” could be a person, place or time.

He’s not entirely incorrect.

Of course I love books, reading them, writing them and designing them. And so I am constantly adding to our library, culling the losers and trying to figure out how to organize the damn books. (Right now it’s organized roughly by period, plus sections on tools, wood, philosophy, fiction and chairs.)

In addition to our library, the back room is where we design and edit our books. It’s where I keep most of my records and my stereo. (For the audio-shamers out there, my turntable is a Thorens and my pre-amp and amp are from Schiit. The speakers are Klipsch.)

All the shelving is made from yellow pine 2x12s that are screwed together and are then bolted to the masonry walls.

The Klaus Skrudland Memorial Bathroom is such an elevated way to go. Our former bathrooms were from the building’s years as a bar. They barely worked. When we tore out the old bathrooms, we found some stuff that still haunts me.

The new kitchenette is my favorite place in the morning. I make coffee there while Bean tries to lure me through the back door to the biergarten – which we will visit during our next and final installment.

— Christopher Schwarz

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