Tool Sale on Saturday &#8211


Megan Fitzpatrick is selling off some of her tools this Saturday during our Lost Art Press open day – plus one of my old tool chests that I used before building the “Anarchist’s Tool Chest.”

And I have a bunch of tools and books to sell as well.

During the last five weeks, I’ve been cleaning out the basement of our current house to get ready to move to Covington, Ky., above the storefront. And I have found all sorts of tools I forgot I even owned.


A lot of it is premium modern stuff that I bought to review while at Popular Woodworking Magazine. Some of the tools are things I haven’t been able to let go of (until now) including a couple high-end plow planes (one from Kyle Barrett and one from Jim Leamy).

Everything will be priced to move – previous customers at our tool sales can attest that prices are more than fair. And if there’s anything left, I’ll offer it up here on the blog.

All sales are cash or check.

The doors open right at 10 a.m. No early birds. Anyone who shows up early will be sent to Bean Haus for coffee.

— Christopher Schwarz


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