Thursday: Chairmaking for Flat Woodworkers &#8211

This Thursday, July 23, I’ll be appearing live on Bench.Talk.101 to talk about “Chairmaking for Flat Woodworkers” and take your questions. The event is free and should last about an hour.

The event will occur at 3:30 p.m. Eastern time on Thursday – 8:30 p.m. U.K. time. You can join the conversation by going to Bench.Talk.101’s profile 5 minutes before the event begins and there will be a link to join. Or send them a Direct Message (DM), and they will send you a link to join the Zoom meeting.

If you can’t join the live event (do you have a job or family or something?) you can watch the whole thing on Bench.Talk.101’s YouTube channel. Nancy Hiller, the author of the forthcoming book “Kitchen Think,” was on last week, and you can hear the whole thing here.

I’m looking forward to the chat and hope to not make too much trouble for the hosts.

— Christopher Schwarz

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