The Next Generation of Woodworking Teachers &#8211


In my early 30s, Marc Adams invited me to teach at The Marc Adams School of Woodworking, and I honestly didn’t know what to say. I was honored to be asked. But I was terrified at the prospect of teaching a bunch of strangers hand-tool woodworking.

Despite my better judgment, I said yes to Marc.

Teaching that class, and the hundred after it, gave me the confidence to be the writer, woodworker and businessman I am today. I had to stop being the shy guy listening in the corner. I had to defend the way I work and think. And I had to learn to think on my feet. And work while I’m talking. And to never get into a drinking contest with an Irish student. I am eternally grateful to Marc (and Kelly Mehler, who asked me to teach that same year).

Teaching woodworking also committed me to training future generations. And so when Megan Fitzpatrick and I sat down to decide who to ask to teach at the Lost Art Press storefront, we wanted to make sure we asked young and sometimes brand-new teachers. These were people whose work we greatly respect, but they haven’t become people you see on the rosters at woodworking schools worldwide.

That’s why we invited James McConnell to teach toolmaking and Joshua Klein to teach handplane restoration. And it’s why we have Anne Briggs and Kieran Binnie on tap to teach in the coming months.

These are people you are going to hear a lot from in the future. They are incredibly committed to the craft and work at it every day. They share what they know and seek to bring others into the craft. They have lots to share, and you might be surprised what you can learn from someone younger than you (my kids are proof of that).

Most of all, we believe in this particular crop of people after watching them for many years. If you are interested in hand-cut joinery, both of these classes are great places to start (or continue) your journey.

Build the Anarchist’s Tool Chest with Kieran Binnie: Sept. 23-27, 2019

Build a Wall Cabinet with Anne Briggs: Oct. 7-11, 2019

— Christopher Schwarz

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