The Last of the Second Batch of Stickers (& Hippos) &#8211


My daughter Maddy reports that she has fewer than 50 sets of stickers left from the second batch of designs we made. So if you want the beehive logo and “Divided We Stand” logo stickers, you might want to act now.

You can order them from her etsy store here.

Or, for customers in the United States, you can send a $5 bill and a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to Maddy at:

Stick it to the Man
P.O. Box 3284
Columbus, OH 43210

I’ve begun designing the third set of stickers. So no matter what happens, if you order, you will get stickers.

You might be wondering what the heck Maddy is holding in her left hand. It’s a cookie from a local bakery featuring the photo of a prematurely born hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo named Fiona.

Maddy and my wife, Lucy, are obsessed with the hippo. Lucy, a reporter at WCPO-TV, has taken it upon herself to discuss the hippo every week on the station’s podcast. And we are spending money on hippo cookies like we don’t need to eat protein.

You can see the latest on Fiona here (thank you Lucy for this link).

So I have no idea why I’m writing about a premature hippo, but there you have it. Buy stickers. Like hippos. Something something.

— Christopher Schwarz

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