Sticker Madness (and an FAQ) &#8211


My oldest daughter, Maddy, processed her first batch of stickers last night and braved the rain to drop them off at the closest mailbox.

First off, she thanks all of you for spelling her name correctly (Maddy with a “y”). And she was very impressed with how organized (read: OCD) everyone was about the self-addressed stamped envelopes (SASE). Except for the guy who sealed the $5 bill in his SASE.

We still have plenty of stickers and you can get your set (plus a bonus sticker until they run out) by enclosing $5 in an envelope along with a SASE. Send it to:

Stick it to the Man
P.O. Box 3284
Columbus, OH 43210

Maddy will take your SASE and put three high-quality vinyl stickers – one of each design – in your envelope and mail it to you immediately. These are the nicest die-cut stickers we could find and should even be suitable for outdoor use, according to the manufacturer. The stickers are made in the United States, of course.

Here are answers to a few common questions.

Q: What if I want two (or three) sets? Do I have to send multiple SASEs?

A: We’re not barbarians, and Maddy is good at math. If you send $10 you’ll get two sets; $15 will get you three and so on. All in the same envelope.

Q: Will a regular business-sized envelope work?

A: Yup. These stickers are about 3” long – not huge.

Q: If I’m in another country and have some U.S. bills, can I participate?

A: Yes. We’re working on a way to process international orders. But if you send Maddy an SASE with a $5 (U.S.) bill and sufficient postage, she’ll fill the order.

I just received a text from Maddy and she has picked up the second day of orders and will process them immediately.

Thanks for all your support. Maddy is thrilled to be doing this and it really does help her make ends meet in college.

— Christopher Schwarz

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