Shipping Update: ‘Roubo on Furniture’ & ‘Roman Workbenches’ &#8211

r2_blue_twineThis is my mistake. I thought our warehouse had finished shipping all the copies of “With All the Precision Possible: Roubo on Furniture.” In truth, the last of the orders were boxed up yesterday and go out in the mail today.

Apologies for the error. And personal apologies to Meghan, who has been fielding a lot of your questions because of my error.

Your book is on the way. It won’t be long now.

Additionally, some of you have been asking where your copy of “Roman Workbenches” is because our software has reported your order as “fulfilled.” This is a software glitch (Yay! Not my fault). This book is on press now and should be shipped in April.

Thank you all for your patience.

— Christopher Schwarz

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