PVC or wood windows

wood windows vs PVC windows

PVC or wood windows

blog | 08.02.2022

When you consider how complicated a project it is to build a house, buying windows doesn't seem to be anything difficult. But you'll soon discover that it's not, because you'll already be deciding what's better: PVC windows or wood windows? Or maybe aluminium ones? In this article we will point out the basic differences between the types of windows, which will probably make it easier to choose the most suitable model. Read on!

PVC or wood windows

Wood windows versus plastic windows – which did we choose in the past and which do we choose now? Plastic windows entered the market decades ago and conquered it from the start. Years of painstakingly sealing old wood windows with home-made methods had done their job – no one felt like repeating it any more. PVC became the most popular raw material for windows. It was also a time when plastic was associated with modernity and wood was regarded as old-fashioned and of poor quality. Today, we are seeing a complete reversal of this trend. Indeed, plastic windows still dominate homes because of their lower price, but it is wood windows that have become synonymous with luxury. Let's compare the two options.

Plastic windows – inexpensive and easy to maintain

Even the biggest aesthete will admit that white plastic windows will match almost any building. Therefore, it is not only their low price, but also their versatility that determines why they still find their way onto the facades of so many buildings. More and more modern materials are used in their production, which is why they look like new even after years. The increasing choice of veneers makes it possible to finish plastic windows according to personal taste. The veneers available for sale include smooth, timber-like or structured.

PVC windows do not require frequent renovation and painting, yet their lifespan is estimated at up to 40 years. They are characterised by good parameters when it comes to thermal and acoustic insulation.

See our offer of PVC windows:


Wood windows – classic and durable

It is difficult to argue with the aesthetic qualities of wood windows. The use of this raw material is a guarantee of creating cosy, stylish interiors. This will certainly be appreciated e.g. by owners of historic buildings or those who wish to style them in this way. It is up to us which wood we choose. It can be, for example, the popular pine, exotic meranti or extremely durable oak. They differ not only in the properties and colour of the wood, but also in price.

Buying wood windows is an investment for even more than 100 years, but their lifespan largely depends on how much we take care of them. In order to prolong their life and maintain their beautiful appearance, regular maintenance is necessary – this needs to be done approximately every 3-5 years, depending on the condition of the windows and the weather conditions they are exposed to. A great advantage of wood windows is their very good thermal and acoustic insulation as well as the possibility of regulating the level of humidity in rooms due to the hygroscopic properties of the material. However, we should remember that despite such abilities, badly impregnated timber will not tolerate contact with water in the best way. Under its influence, it may swell and change its size minimally, causing small leaks.

See our offer of wood windows:


Wood window from Aikon Distribution

Cost of wood windows vs PVC windows

While we're on the subject of prices, let's check the cost of wood windows vs PVC windows. Often the financial aspect is the one that determines the choice. The undisputed winners in the competition for the cheaper solution have so far been PVC windows. Interestingly, the differences between them and wood windows are getting smaller every year. Currently, wood windows are around 10-15% more expensive than PVC windows if we consider series production. In the case of bespoke windows, this figure can increase, especially if you opt for more noble wood species. When considering the cost of wood vs PVC windows, remember also that wood windows will be slightly more expensive also because we have to add maintenance costs, resulting from more frequent maintenance, to their price.

Do you want to replace your wood windows with new ones? Or are you looking for the right windows for a newly constructed building? Get in touch with our salesman. He or she can help you choose the perfect product.


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Advantages of timber windows

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