Our Old Privacy Policy &#8211

LAP_logoLike you, I’ve been bombarded with new privacy policies from Internet companies seeking to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which went into effect on May 25.

We didn’t have to update our privacy policy because here’s what we do with your data: Exactly nothing.

We do not mine our lists to market things to you. We don’t sell, rent or give out your data to anyone. Heck, we don’t even have the technical capacity to see your credit card number. The only time you’ll hear from us is if there is a problem with your order.

If you subscribe to our blog via e-mail, you can unsubscribe with a click using the link at the bottom of every post (including this one). I’m sure we could make a lot more money if we did some of the things in the previous paragraph, but we couldn’t live with ourselves.

— Christopher Schwarz


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