Order Now for Best Results &#8211

We’ve had a notice about shipping deadlines up on every page of our online store for the last week or so, but it bears repeating here. Because of the massive shipping problems across the United States this season, Wednesday, Dec. 16, is the last day to place an order in our store and have any hope of receiving the box before Christmas.

Even if you do place the order by the 16th, we can’t guarantee the shipment will arrive in time. All the country’s shipping channels are overloaded, and there’s nothing we can do about that I’m afraid.

Several weeks ago we stopped shipping books out via Media Mail and have opted to send packages via faster methods. We have been absorbing the additional expenses. But even that hasn’t speeded things up as much as we’d like.

Bottom line: This is a difficult year. And we thank you in advance for your patience. Please know that John, Meghan, Megan, Kara and the warehouse staff have been doing everything possible to keep orders moving, answer customer questions and track down problems.

If you have a problem with a package, help@lostartpress.com is the best place to get help. Questions via phone calls, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter might get missed.

— Christopher Schwarz

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