New Lost Art Press Stickers &#8211



My daughter Madeline has a new set of Lost Art Press stickers up for sale in her etsy store. A set is $7. The stickers feature three new designs – two of them drawn by my daughter, Katherine.

Here are the details:

Lost Art Pets: Now that we’ve moved to our new place in Covington, Ky., the cats are frequent visitors to the bench room. Especially Bean, a three-legged cat who has become the WalMart greeter of our store. And also would like to smell your hair. Katherine drew Bean with dividers as a replacement leg.


Anarch-Bee: Katherine drew this new anarchist bee logo for a new wax product we are working on (more details soon). We love bees, which commonly symbolized woodworkers in pre-industrial illustrations. And we use beeswax all the time.


Carpal Tunnel Saw Company: The logo of one of our sponsors. Great saws – just remember to take your anti-inflammatories before using them.

The stickers are high quality – 100-percent vinyl and suitable for outdoor use. And the proceeds from the sticker sales help support Madeline as she embarks on getting her doctorate degree at the University of Pittsburgh.

You can order a set here.

— Christopher Schwarz

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