More Soft Wax for Sale &#8211


My daughter Katherine is home on a break from art school and made a few batches of soft wax. You can buy an 8 oz. glass jar of it for $24 through her etsy store.

Soft wax is an excellent finish for bare wood, especially on the interiors of casework. It’s easy to apply and dries rapidly as it is a high-solvent finish.. The wax doesn’t require buffing.

It offers a little protection to the wood, but nothing compared to a film finish or a hard wax. We recommend it for objects that don’t take a lot of abuse.

Customers like to use it on antique woodwork to help refresh an old finish. They also use it on leather goods to help make them water-repellent. It is not to be used on your skin, however. It contains turpentine, which is an irritant.

— Christopher Schwarz

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