More Soft Wax Available Today &#8211


Katy has made another couple batches of her soft wax, which you can purchase on her etsy store. Each tin is $12 and contains approximately 4 oz. of wax (by volume).

Katy makes the wax in my basement shop, She packages it up and even designed the label.

The wax is based on an old French recipe and a fine polish for the interiors of woodwork (and exteriors – I love it on chairs – though it is not designed for high-performance situations).

Note that the wax is not for your beard, mustache or lizard.

Speaking of lizards, modeling the wax today is Brunhilde, Katy’s chameleon companion. Yes, Brunhilde is named after the princess in the legend (and the movie “D’Jango”).

— Christopher Schwarz

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