More Daed Toolworks Dividers Available &#8211

With the last large batch of dividers, it became clear that the demand for the heat-treatable tool steel version is much greater than anticipated. So, for the latest batch, half of the sets in inventory are O1 tool steel, and the other half 12L14 steel.

At the moment, there are about 50 sets total available, with another few dozen sets milled and awaiting hardware. Unfortunately, as with so many things this year, backlogs in production and delivery have made it increasingly difficult to predict timing – but I believe I have found a solution to the pivot hardware issue using off-the-shelf hardware developed for the custom knifemaking world.

So, over the past week I’ve been developing a simple approach to modifying pivots manufactured specifically for folding knives. This hardware is specifically designed to hold very tight tolerances, which is perfect for the needs of the dividers. Because they are intended as a sort of DIY-customizable solution, the bolt-and sleeve (aka “Chicago bolts,” or “sexbolts”) system only needs to be modified to take the #10 spanner drive I use for adjustment, and some light shaping to make them nearly identical to the custom manufactured hardware I’ve always used to date.

While this is no guarantee against production delays – these bolts are occasionally prone to stock shortages themselves – having another, much larger channel to source this hardware makes it much easier to avoid long-term stock issues.

So, if you’ve been wanting a set of dividers, this is a good time; but as always the goal is to have these available on a continuing basis, and this development puts the dividers much closer to that goal.

O1 and 12L14 dividers as well as a few remaining hammer kits are available at

Raney Nelson

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