More Chore Coats in the Works &#8211


Our factory is working on a new batch of chore coats that should be ready to sell in the next couple weeks.

This batch will be made with the Japanese cotton we used with the first batch, plus the nice embroidered patch and the custom buttons. As I mentioned before, I’m afraid we’ll have to raise the price a bit on the coat. Making nice garments in the United States is tricky and expensive.

After this new batch sells out, we will shift gears with the chore coat. Here’s why:

  1. Our West Coast factory raised the manufacturing price – radically – on us.
  2. The Japanese cotton has proved more difficult and expensive to get than we anticipated.

As a result, we will switch to a new fabric – an 11 oz. brushed bull denim – that is readily available here in the United States. It will still be black and 100 percent cotton, and it will still be awesome. We’re also switching factories. Tom Bonamici, who designed the coat, is negotiating with two factories here in the middle part of the country, and those talks are going well.

The new chore coat will still have the same embroidered patch on the interior pocket and custom buttons. And it will still be made in the USA. More details on the new chore coat, including the price, will be available in the coming weeks.

The only thing we haven’t been able to fix is figuring out how to make it cooler outside so we can wear our dang coats.

— Christopher Schwarz

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