Meet Darja! – Life Unlocked

Darja, Frontend developer & history museum lover

She’s the brains behind Klevio’s b2b dashboard. Her favourite office item is her whiteboard, on which she can often be found feverishly scribbling her latest techie musings. If she’s in a good mood, she’ll even tell us what some of it means!


This is just a beginning.

Outside the office, she’s a self-confessed sports freak, with freestyle skiing and ‘flag football’ – a non-contact version of American football, apparently – among her passions. She also sings classical music in a choir – and one day we’ll get her to prove it (almost certainly at a Christmas party after one too many glasses of wine).

We asked her: What door would you open, if you could open any door in the world…?

She says: I would open a door of a museum in the middle of the night and I would have it all for myself!

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