Make Your Own Liquid Hide Glue &#8211


My shop time is erratic. Sometimes I’m in the shop for 40 hours a week. Sometimes I get about four. So it’s hard for me to plan for hot hide glue. Sometimes assembly time comes much faster than I anticipated. Sometimes it’s weeks later than I planned.

So I use a lot of liquid hide glue, which doesn’t rely on overnight soaking or planning for how much I need for the coming day.

Recently Joshua Klein published a super-simple recipe for making your own liquid hide glue from glue granules, tap water and canning salt. It is so simple, that I am definitely going to make some myself, just as soon as I get home from this trip (one of the other reasons that using hot hide glue is tough).

Check out the great post here – and it has a printable recipe card you can tack to your shop wall.

— Christopher Schwarz

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