Make Currency Exchange Your B*&%h &#8211


I don’t think I’ve ever done this before, so listen up.

Q: Do you want a Vesper Double Square?

A: Yes, unless you are a mouth-breather.

Thanks to the vagaries of the currency market, Australian goods are dirt cheap. Last time I bought Aussie tools the U.S. dollar was about the same value as the Aussie dollar. Now our dollar buys about $1.37 over there.

So you should dump a lot of money on Vesper’s incredible tools. There are none finer. And you are unlike to be able to ever buy the tools any cheaper (without stealing them).

Buy them from Vesper directly here. Really, go nuts. Make your credit card hurt.

If you aren’t that adventurous, buy the double square from Highland Woodworking for the ridiculous price of $140. If that seems like a lot of money then you haven’t used one of Vesper’s tools. That is a steal.

Anyway, do it. Stop reading this stuff. Go do it.

— Christopher Schwarz


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