Last Divider Announcement &#8211

Over the past few months, Chris and John have graciously allowed me to commandeer their blog to announce availability of dividers on my site, regardless of the fact that at this point they have no financial stake in them.

Why? Without speaking for them, I would point out that to date, nearly all of our efforts to attempt to speed up production to match customer demand of the dividers have been, to say the least, somewhat ineffective. As a result, there have been quite a few would-be divider owners whose attempts at purchase have left them – to put it mildly – somewhat disappointed. And most – if not all – of those frustrated buyers are followers of the LAP blog.

Yesterday, I took about half a dozen sets of dividers to the Post Office, and shipped them off to the last few people whose email addresses were on the short-lived “dividers waitlist.”

When I got home, I finished work on a couple dozen more sets, and last night added them to the inventory (you can purchase a pair here). I take this as a strong indication that divider production is beginning to catch up with demand. Finally.

Right now, there are a few dozen sets of dividers in daed Toolworks‘ inventory – including a dozen sets of O1 tool steel. Over the next few days, I will be adding a few dozen more.

This week also marks the start of my annual shop culling, an annual tradition that I have not observed in at least three years. So, in addition to dividers, I’ll also be listing used, or “b-stock” tools for sale. For now, the first of these is a large cache of unassembled (but complete) plane adjusting hammer “kits.” The hammers were a design I finished just a few months ago, but while they are functionally quite good, I find myself less than enthralled with the aesthetics of the design.

So off to the chopping block they go, to make room for a redesigned hammer.

— Raney

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