International Downloads, PayPal & Other Boring Stuff &#8211

Portret van een van twee Indische timmerlieden. From
Portret van een van twee Indische timmerlieden. From

We now accept PayPal for all orders placed through the Lost Art Press store – that’s in addition to Visa, Mastercard and American Express. So if you’ve been hoarding money in a PayPal account, we have another way for you to spend it.

If you are an international customer who wants to purchase a download, you can now do that directly through our store. Our store accepts international credit cards (and PayPal) for downloadable items. Your download will be delivered immediately and with all the regular security enjoyed by domestic customers.

Yes, we are still working on shipping all items internationally. We’ll be taking a big step forward to that goal this week.

Also, we ship the deluxe version of “To Make as Perfectly as Possible” everywhere in the world. For information on shipping and pricing, send an e-mail to John Hoffman at We now have custom boxes for the deluxe edition that make it a snap to ship this massive tome without damage.

OK, back to roasting a chicken.

— Christopher Schwarz

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