If There Were No Struggle… &#8211

Duchamel1Just as Chris was taking his first class in years, I went AWOL to accompany my wife on one of life’s greatest adventures, the early arrival of our second son. In the meantime, as many of you noticed, the web site experienced some glitches. Our forum, still in beta stage, crashed twice. Some readers notified us that they were temporarily locked out of their LAP accounts. Others reported problems posting comments using the WordPress function within posts.

Please accept my apology for these inconveniences, as well as my sincerest thanks to all readers for your patience and understanding. While these outages were not limited to our website (Muut and WordPress have been reporting system-wide outages), I do wish that I had been able to communicate better during these problems.

In related news, I am still working with Muut to hammer out some of the bare-bones issues revealed by the forum’s beta release. The areas I’m addressing with them include GUI, user experience, and login/logout issues. If you have additional concerns or suggestions about the test forum, please send them my way.

As a result of these glitches, we are delaying the full forum launch until October. Thank you for your patience. I will do my best to ensure that the result is worth the extra wait!

— Brian Clites

Addendum 9/10/15: A number of users have reported frustration when trying to login to the forum for the first time. Please note that the forum login should be the same username and password that you use to place orders within the LAP store. (Your LAP store credentials are not the same as the WordPress/Facebook credentials that you are prompted to enter for posting blog comments below.) If you have experienced a problem, please ensure you have created LAP store credentials at: http://lostartpress.com/account/register. If you still experience problems, please email me. brian@lostartpress.com

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