Goodbye Blue Monday &#8211


Whenever people work with me at our new headquarters, I give them this warning: This is a glitter zone. You will find glitter in your hair, clothes and (shudder) feces after you work here.

The good news is that our efforts at glitter containment – it’s worse than asbestos – are succeeding. It has been about a week since I deposited a “Sparkle Pony” in the pool, if you catch my drift. And today we began to cover over the dark blue/purple ceiling of the first floor with white primer.

Tomorrow the floor goes in – solid white oak with a vapor/glitter barrier.

Then we start the framing.


After plying local architect Eric Puryear with tacos and margaritas, he and Megan Fitzpatrick visited the building. All three of us agree that the archway at the back of the front room is awkward and not original to the structure.

Eric put it this way: It was probably put in during the 1930s, 1950s or one of the other periods where exposed brick became fashionable.

We’re keeping the arch, but we’re going to build a wall obscuring it from the front room. Based on my archaeological pokings, I think the back wall of the bar was co-planar to the stairs. So that’s what we’re putting in – along with some vintage doors.

The little nook between the arch and this new wall will be a sharpening area or an office. Still working that out.

OK, kids are hungry. Got to take off the shop apron and put on my cooking one.

— Christopher Schwarz


P.S. The mantle has the last of the glitter.

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