Friendly Monday Reminders (and Other Stuff) &#8211

Some quick items – none of which are important enough for a stand-alone blog entry.

  1. Anonymous blog comments. We don’t allow them. Period. During the last year, I have gotten lax about this. Because of a glitch, our blogging software made me approve every comment, and in the crush, I let anonymous ones slip through. No more. Please use your real name and email address (your email address is not published). One of the many things wrong with the internet is the cowards who hide behind false names or who post anonymously. Anonymous comments (in the woodworking area) are always low in quality and high in false outrage.
  2. The Lost Art Press Holiday Open Day is a go! From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Dec., 11, we will open our doors to all vaccinated visitors (for masks, we will follow the CDC guidelines when that day arrives). We will have our full line of books, free Lost Art Press yardsticks, plus blemished books and tools for 50 percent off (cash only on blemished books). Also, as per every year, we will have the “clock” on display in the machine room. Ask to see it. Our storefront is at 837 Willard St., Covington, KY 41011.
  3. We have a free-for-all, ask-us-anything livestream scheduled for 3 p.m. Eastern on Nov. 20. We will attempt to broadcast this ridiculousness on multiple platforms, including our regular Vimeo platform here. And we will have even better audio this time. Next week we’ll post instructions for asking us about our underwear (or lack of it).

— Christopher Schwarz

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