Artist, Artisan & Craftsperson &#8211


Reader Matt Pelto is working on a paper for his college rhetoric class and is trying to define the terms: artist, artisan and craftsperson.

He interviewed Roy Underhill and Peter Ross to get their thoughts and has written up a draft paper that you can download using the link below.

Artistry and craftsmanship

Matt asked if I would post the following question here on our blog so he could get some other opinions. Here’s Matt’s question:

What is the single defining quality that separates each title: “artist,” “artisan” and “craftsperson,” from the other two? Are the terms mutually exclusive or can more than one apply at the same time? And what are the implications of these titles; i.e. does your title affect how you work or the quality of the work?

Also, Matt welcomes any feedback on his essay. You can send your comments to Matt here or post them in a comment below.

— Christopher Schwarz

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