December 2023

Anderson Lock & Safe Blog

What is Lock Rekeying and When Do You Need It?

What is Lock Rekeying and When Do You Need It?

What is Lock Rekeying and When Do You Need It?

Have you ever wondered what happens when a locksmith rekeys a lock? Unlike replacing a lock, rekeying is an efficient, cost-effective method that involves adjusting the lock mechanism so that a new key can operate it, rendering the old one obsolete. The lock rekeying…

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Car Key Replacements for Phoenix Drivers

Car Key Replacements for Phoenix Drivers

Car Key Replacements for Phoenix Drivers

Has your only car key met an untimely end, or do you want a couple of copies made so you can have extras in case you lose one or lock one in your car? Regardless of your car’s age, odds are that the replacement keys for your current model differ technologically from…

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Locked Your Keys in Your Car? Here’s What to Do Next

Locked Your Keys in Your Car? Here’s What to Do Next

Locked Your Keys in Your Car? Here’s What to Do Next

Discovering your ignition without keys or scrambling for where they could have gone when stranded outside your locked car sparks panic. Before freaking out or attempting to pick your car’s locks, follow this guide to regain access through our mobile services in and…

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Upgrading Home Security With Smart Locks

Upgrading Home Security With Smart Locks

Upgrading Home Security With Smart Locks

As homes get more innovative, locks are advancing to provide state-of-the-art security, convenience, and connectivity. Smart locks offer homeowners innovative access control and automation integration to take residential security to the next level. At Anderson Lock…

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Moved Into a New Home? Rekey the Locks For Top Security

Moved Into a New Home? Rekey the Locks For Top Security

Moved Into a New Home? Rekey the Locks For Top Security

When you move into a new home, we always recommend you rekey the existing locks immediately. When our locksmiths rekey a lock they change the pins inside the lock cylinder so it works with a brand new key. Rekeying your locks is a great option because it’s generally…

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Recent Posts

  • What is Lock Rekeying and When Do You Need It?
  • Car Key Replacements for Phoenix Drivers
  • Locked Your Keys in Your Car? Here’s What to Do Next
  • Upgrading Home Security With Smart Locks
  • Moved Into a New Home? Rekey the Locks For Top Security


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  • Access Control
  • Car
  • Commercial
  • Lockouts
  • Locksmith Services
  • Residential
  • Safes

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