What is a weatherproof CCTV camera? | Sure lock & Key

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bullet-type camera

What are bullet-type cameras

You probably have seen bullet-type security cameras dozens of times on the streets. These are those cameras of cylindrical shape often installed on buildings’ corners. They are widely known to be a strong burglar deterrent since they are easier to spot than dome cameras.
Like any other security device, bullet cameras have their pros and cons. So, before deciding on which camera you would prefer for your property, let’s check in detail when bullet cameras may work the best for you and when they won’t offer you what you need. Sure Lock & Key is always ready to give you a helping hand whenever it comes to <a href="/security-services/">security services</a> to complicated security-related questions.

four security cameras

What is the difference between physical security and electronic security

When you’re a business owner, theft is the last thing you want to deal with. So, to make your work successful and effective, it’s essential to provide your business with the best security possible. Thankfully, over time the security industry developed a lot and now there are so many different devices you can use to protect your property and your valuables. Also, don’t forget that it’s essential to secure your data and personal information as well because cybercrime is really common today.
So, what are the best ways to protect your business? <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> knows everything about physical and electronic security and we want to share our knowledge with you. So, keep reading if you want to learn more.

two outdoor security cameras

How to install Nest outdoor camera – tips and hints that may help you

Installing a surveillance camera is a good way to increase security. It helps homeowners monitor the area around the house, detect suspicious activity, and take action if required. For example, if someone is trying to break the lock on your front or back door and you see it through your camera, you can call the police so that they can catch the intruder. When you decide to install an outdoor nest camera, it’s important to do it correctly so that you take advantage of the device’s full potential. It’s not only about the right location and angle; it’s also about the setup. Setting up the camera correctly is vital if you want to avoid problems with receiving or losing footage. A wise decision is to ask a professional to do the job. As a company with 35 years of experience in the locksmith and security industry, <a href="/">Sure Lock & Key</a> provides clients with services and practical advice. Want to know more about nest outdoor cameras? Keep reading!

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