The Last of the Signature Plates &#8211


Because of a variety of factors outside of our control, we are discontinuing the autographed signature plates included with the books I’ve written.

We have a fair number left right now. But will likely run out this summer. So if there’s a book you’ve been meaning to order and you really really want a signature plate, this is the time to do it.

I know this change will perturb some people, and for that I apologize. I hope that most of our readers buy our books for the content and not for my gorgeous handwriting (see above).

For those of you who really want a signed book, I encourage you to make the trek to our storefront in Covington, Ky., where we are open on the second Saturday of every month. I am always happy to sign books and include a naughty message as well.

— Christopher Schwarz

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