Make a Turbocharged Flush-cut Saw &#8211


Here’s a tip from Raney Nelson at Crucible Tool. When we make our lump hammers we need to cut the excess wood above the eye after the handle and head have been wedged together. Typical flush-cut saws are too slow for production work. And they are usually so thin that they kink easily.

So Raney took an inexpensive Ryoba saw from the home center and removed the set with a few swipes of a sharpening stone.

Today I had a ton of tenons to flush and decided to do the same to one of our hardware-store Ryobas that is not quite good enough for fine joinery. I removed the set using a DMT diamond stone (the red one). It took about five swipes on each toothline.


I was concerned that the diamond stone wouldn’t work well stoning the impulse-hardened teeth (which are file-hard). The diamonds had no problem with the task. The detail shot shows the amount of metal I removed to remove the set.

The saw works great for flushing tenons. It’s about 11.4 times faster than my old flush-cut saw and powers through oak tenons.

— Christopher Schwarz

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