Back to School Stickers? &#8211


The “Sharpen This” stickers have been making the rounds on Instagram – this is my favorite one so far.

My daughter Maddy reports she still has a fair number of this set of stickers left. So if you want a set, here are the details. You can order a set of three from her etsy store here. A set is $6 delivered ($10 for international orders).


Or, for customers in the United States, you can send a $5 bill and a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) to by daughter Maddy at:

Stick it to the Man
P.O. Box 3284
Columbus, OH 43210

As always, this is not a money-making venture for me or Lost Art Press. All profits help Maddy through college. (She’s a senior!)

— Christopher Schwarz,

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