Soft Wax for Sale (Might be the Last for a While) &#8211


Somehow amongst all the chaos of moving, my daughter Katherine managed to make a good-sized batch of soft wax. You can now pick up a jar from her etsy store.

This might be the last batch for a while. We are taking her to college next weekend. And her cooking apparatus was damaged in the move. So I need to get her cooking pot repaired. And Katherine needs to focus on being a college student first and a wax princess second.

She’s (amazingly) sold more than 1,000 jars of wax since she started cooking it in our basement in Fort Mitchell. Thanks to the profit she made, Katherine was able to buy her own smartphone, XBox and other consumer goods that stimulated the local economy.

So thanks for supporting her all these years.

I hope she is able to continue making wax once she is settled in at college, but I can’t make any promises.

— Christopher Schwarz


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