Chris Williams Chair for Sale &#8211

Photo by Heather Birnie,

It’s no secret that I adore Chris Williams’s chairs, which have a direct and honest lineage to John Brown’s work. Chris worked with JB for more than a decade and made countless chairs under his eye.

In fact, I have to actively stop myself from imitating Chris’s work. It’s a struggle because I have one of his chairs sitting in front of me as I write this. I sit in it every day. It is a part of my family.

If you’ve ever wanted a chair that is tied directly to JB, read on. MARCH, a San Francisco store that specializes in handmade goods, has one of Chris’s chairs and is selling it for $5,000. It is an outstanding specimen of Chris’s work. Every detail is perfect – even to a chairmaker’s eye.

I know $5,000 is a lot of money, but I would buy it if I didn’t already own one.

If Welsh stick chairs aren’t your thing, be sure to check out the rest of MARCH. There’s some cool stuff there, including some chairs from George Sawyer and Brian Persico.

— Christopher Schwarz

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