Psst – The Anarchist’s Gift Guide is Live &#8211


If family members are pestering you for suggestions of things they should get you for Christmas, it’s difficult to say you really want a $15,000 wide-belt Timesaver.

But if you don’t speak up, you’re gonna get a necktie or worse.

Every year I publish a gift guide on my blog at Popular Woodworking Magazine that is comprised of small things that you will find really useful but won’t destroy your daughter’s $20 gift limit. The first five entries are up now.

Read Day 1 of the gift guide here: Clauss Scissors.
Day two on a Boot Tray for Sharpening.
Day three on humidity monitors.
Day four on a MWTCA membership is here.
Day five on the Arno burnisher is here.

If you’d like to read gift guides from past years, check this link.

— Christopher Schwarz

P.S.  As always, this gift guide is sponsored by absolutely no-%^&*%$-one.

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