Lost Art Press Forum: The Experiment has Ended &#8211

LAP_FINAL-ARTWORK_V1When we launched the Lost Art Press forum last fall we decided to make it a one-year experiment. This week, John and I are touring a printing plant that we use for Lost Art Press and we had a frank discussion about the forum during the four-hour drive.

The bottom line: We’re shutting it down.

While we’ve been generally happy with the forum in terms of its civility, it has also been a time suck for me, John and Meghan. And when we ran the equation through the goose, we decided that monitoring the forum was a lot of effort that we’d rather spend on publishing books and writing blog entries.

So if you have a question about a book that stumps you, you can always send a message to help@lostartpress.com. Or you can leave a note on the blog. We will still do everything to help you, just like we have since we started this company since 2007.

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the forum in a civil manner – it was greatly appreciated by all of us.

— Christopher Schwarz

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