Register Now (it’s Free) for Handworks 2020 &#8211

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Handworks has officially opened its website to the public with details on the exhibitors and door prizes being offered at this event.

I don’t trade much in superlatives, but this is the far and away the single-best woodworking event I’ve ever attended or been part of. It’s free. The exhibitors are there to educate you about the craft. It’s not about selling you magic rags or router bits that fell off a truck.

You will meet thousands of like-minded woodworkers at this event. You’ll try tools that will spark your imagination. You will eat sausage.

The event happens in Amana, Iowa, on Sept. 4-5, 2020. Yes, it seems to be the middle of nowhere, but it’s not. It’s a beautiful 19th-century Germanic colony built in the gently rolling hills of central Iowa.

We’ll be there. We’re bringing all our titles, and we’re giving Welsh chairmaker Chris Williams a ride there (he’ll be demonstrating). We’ll be happy to sell you a book, but we’ll be even happier just to shake your hand, answer your questions and talk about woodworking stuff.

Handworks is an enormous task for the organizers, and every year they put it on they threaten it will be the last event. So don’t miss this one thinking there will be another. There might not.

And be sure to register so you are eligible for the door prizes – we’re giving away a $100 gift card.

— Christopher Schwarz

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